Merrill David Blake has been an attorney in the elder law and mental health field for over forty years in the Boston area and brings his experience along with his expertise and dedication to each individual client he assists. A graduate of Suffolk University Law School, David has extensive experience working in every facet of guardianship work, including serving as wards’ counsel, petitioners’ attorney, and serving as guardian, conservator, trustee and durable power of attorney.
David spent substantial time in the first ten years of his career representing individuals who were subject to being committed to various Massachusetts State Hospitals, whether opposing their being retained against their will or making sure that they received proper treatment and care while at the hospitals, whatever was in the best interest of his clients. Recognizing the importance of treatment where needed, he went on to spend the next five years of his career representing McLean Hospital, one of the world’s most respected psychiatric facilities.
Currently, David serves in various Guardianship roles of differing capacities for many of his clients who are mentally ill or elderly and need assistance managing their finances and assets, ensuring their estate is properly handled, monitoring administration of medication, and representing the interests of families with a member who faces behavioral health issues or who need help in their struggle with some form of diagnosed mental illness.
David is a registered Guardian by the National Guardianship Foundation. He is a member of the Boston Bar Association, MA Federal Bar Association, National Alliance on Mental Illness (MA Division), and Massachusetts Guardianship Association (former President). David also served in the past as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Guardianship Association.
Current Employment Position(s)
- Member
Areas of Practice
- Mental Health Law
- Guardianship and Conservatorship
- Litigation
- Elder Law
Litigation Percentage
- 60% of Practice Devoted to Litigation
Bar Admissions
- Massachusetts, 1973
- U.S. District Court District of Massachusetts, 1989
- Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts
Speaking and Seminars
- Suffolk University Law School Advanced Legal Studies, with 8 years organizing an annual Guardianship Conference, and 7 years of consecutive seminars on the many topics of Guardianship, presenting to n all professional audience.
- Rhode Island Care Management Network
- The Law of Fiduciary Decision Making: Minors/Elderly/Disabled
Professional Associations and Memberships
- Board of Directors of the National Guardianship Association
- Massachusetts Guardianship Association
- National Alliance on Mental Illness – Massachusetts division
- National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
- Massachusetts Bar Association
- Massachusetts Federal Bar Association
- Boston Bar Association
- Registered Guardian with the National Guardianship Foundation
- International Guardianship Network